The 2nd Opposite Diet Tip:

January 17th, 2010

To learn about The Opposite Diet, go to right column and click on “About The Opposite Diet.”

The 2nd Opposite Diet Tip:

2. TAOO says “Never share.”  OPPOSITE ADVICE – Always share. Whenever possible, split a meal with your dinner companion or companions.  That’s one meal for two or two meals for three or four.   Of course, everyone has to be on the same page.  If either you or your companion is a vegetarian or has food allergies, choices will be more limited and those restrictions must be taken into consideration.  Whatever the situation, sharing will often involve compromise.  You can take turns in choosing what to order.  One meal out will be your choice and the next one will be your companion’s.   It really is a win-win situation, because you and your companion(s) will feel better about the amount eaten and everyone (ever with the split charge) will save money and their waist.

The home is just another version of a restaurant.  If you are eating alone, prepare half your usual portion. If you have a companion, share a smaller meal.  If you have a family, certainly don’t underfeed growing children, but it may also be an opportunity to teach them to eat a healthy amount of food.


(sometimes about food and sometimes not…)

If you have read anything about me on my website, you may have gotten the idea that cooking for me is bringing food in and heating it up.  So one of pet peeves is when I order take-out food, I am almost asked if I want (plastic!) silverware.  I always say “no.”  Not only is that more garbage for the landfill, but that’s why I have silverware at home.  No one listens!  When I get home and open that bag containing the food – there is the plastic silverware!

I know you are thinking that I should check the bag before I leave the restaurant.  You are right, but since I usually forget, I need a method to help me remember.  Any suggestions?

What is your opinion or your Rant’n Rave?  Let me know.

Next week _ Opposite Tip #3

Here is the 1st Opposite Diet Tip:

January 9th, 2010

1.  TAOO says “leave no leftovers in restaurant.”  OPPOSITE  ADVICE –  Ask the waiter to divide whatever you have ordered in half and put one of those halves in a doggie bag before you are served. That way there will be leftovers for dinner the next day.  Most people think they will take home whatever is left over, but then usually finish everything.  You don’t have to worry about not having enough to eat because most restaurants provide humongous portions.

What do you do when eating at home?  Same thing.  You just bought or cooked a chicken or a steak or a bowl of pasta.   Cut it in half and put the other half in the refrigerator for tomorrow.

Yes, this does take some will power because now you have seen the food before it was put on your plate.  Strengthen your resolve with these thoughts – which you can write and keep on paper in front of you:

1. Now you have already prepared food for tomorrow.

2. Leftovers taste best!

Finally, along with each week’s tip, here is a feature called:


(sometimes about food and sometimes not…)

Last October, my beloved Blackberry Pearl finally met its demise.  I decided to replace it with a Blackberry smart phone, the Tour.  To my dismay, I found that I had to buy a new car charger.  Why? Because Research IN Motion (RIM) changed the port sizes on this new phone.  Why?  I think it is to force people to buy new accessories.  I’d love to find a company that isn’t trying to squeeze the last dime out of consumers!

What is your opinion or your Rant ‘n Rave?  Let me know.


Happy New Years Greetings from The Art of Overeating…

December 31st, 2009

A Sumo knows how to overeat.  It makes him big and strong.  Happy New Year!


And coming in 2010:

“The Opposite Diet”

from Leslie Landis and The Art of Overeating

Food Is Love.

December 11th, 2009

The holidays are here, and with them, family, friends, and food.  There couldn’t be a better time to elaborate on a point made in The Art Of Overeating, “Food Is Love.”  That concept is really what inspired me to write the book.

I’ve always believed that food and love are intertwined.  Food is one of the most popular ways in which we express how much we care about someone.  Our very first taste, after all, is mother’s milk.

Then, growing up, we are encouraged to have second helpings of “love” in the form of more pot roast, an extra helping of creamed spinach, another dollop of potatoes au gratin.  Women are told, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

My husband Martin, to whom The Art Of Overeating is dedicated, is a world-class overeater.  He was an only child raised in a food-loving family.  Every Sunday night, his mother asked him to write down his “wish-list” of menus for the coming week.  She made it all for him.

Trained by the best, he became a champion.  I thought his overeating exploits were so amazing, that I began to write them down.  Compiled together, the book was born.

Since The Art Of Overeating is more about universal truths than any particular person or occasion, the stories about Martin aren’t spelled out…so I thought I’d share a few with you now:

  • Once, we went on a cruise with my parents.  Every night, Martin ordered and ate all five of the available entrees.  Finally, my dad—who worried about how Martin’s overeating would affect his health—asked him to please just have one dish.  Martin agreed.  Unbeknownst to us, he spoke to the waiter before dinner that evening.  When we sat down to eat, the waiter brought Martin all five entrees—on one very large dish.
  • Martin once asked me to help him lose weight by telling him when I thought he was eating too much.  The next time we went out to eat, he ordered—as usual—two dinners.  I pointed this out to him, but he argued that it was okay because he wasn’t going to eat all the vegetables.
  • Martin looks in the refrigerator every 5 minutes.  I asked him why he does that since there is no more food in there than 5 minutes before.  He said he just likes to look!
  • The supermarket is Martin’s favorite store.  He loves to go grocery shopping.  He piles his cart high with food—no paper towels or laundry detergent for him.  When he is finished, he always tells me that he has enough food to last for the whole week.  By the next day, he has eaten everything.
  • I am forced to put my name on certain foods or they won’t be there when I want to eat them.  Living with Martin is like living with an office staff.
  • I constantly give Martin articles about the right way to eat and how doing so will increase his life span.  I’m always reading food labels to him.  Sometimes I throw out the unhealthy food he bought and tell him it went bad.  Nothing I do deters him.  One time, I put scary words—death, insanity, sugar-shock—on candy bars he’d just gotten.  I found a pile of candy wrappers, with the words still stuck on them, all around his TV chair.

Like many people, Martin yo-yos between overeating and dieting.  Right now, he is in his diet phase because he doesn’t want to be the poster boy for my book!  We’ll see how long that lasts.

Well, have to run right now—there’s some holiday cookies I need to go write my name on!

Until next time,

Happy holiday dining,

Leslie Landis

“How to look like a noodle when you eat like an elephant!”

December 4th, 2009


It has been fun getting notes from readers and friends about The Art Of Overeating since it was published last month.  Tipping the scale on overeating is such a universal indulgence—I had a feeling that most people would see a bit of themselves somewhere in the humor and have a good laugh.  I’m happy that seems to be the case.

Just the other day, an old friend wrote, “I have been very suspicious of you—have you been peeping at me through the peep-hole?  Because you drew a perfect image of ME! It’s making me very conscious of even looking at food, not to mention that I’ll never be able to binge again! You destroyed my life.”

I know she’s kidding, but she really “got” the book and that was great.  She also wrote:  “Leslie, I guess people that don’t know you will be shocked to realize that, in spite of having that voracious appetite, you are able to keep that spaghetti figure. May I suggest that as the theme for your next book: How to look like a noodle when you eat like an elephant?”

Maybe not a whole book, but definitely a future blog post.  What really made me laugh about it, though, is that when I was a gawky teenager, I read that Sophia Loren attributed her amazing body to eating spaghetti.  So, for years, I ate tons of spaghetti—but all that happened was that my figured looked like a spaghetti noodle.

Buon appetito until next time,

Leslie Landis

Giving Thanks to Thanksgiving

November 25th, 2009


Since Thanksgiving—the most important American holiday on which we are expected to overeat—is upon us, I wanted to help everyone do their part to uphold this important tradition.

As THE ART OF OVEREATING says, “To everything there is a seasoning,” and you’ve got to practice for your high dive into that parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme right now!


  1. Instant gratification saves time.
  2. Aren’t we supposed to end world hunger?
  3. Why cut pork when the government won’t?
  4. Grow the economy and yourself.
  5. The U.S.A. can still be No. 1 in something!
  6. Excess is a normal American trait
  7. It is good exercise for your jaw.
  8. You won’t have to fight temptation.
  9. Overeaters get a lot of attention.

10. It sure does taste good.

So, overeat in style and have a great Thanksgiving!

Leslie Landis

* from The Art Of Overeating

Amazon’s days are numbered – literally!

November 19th, 2009

numbersAs a first-time author, it’s quite amazing to ride the roller-coaster of rankings.  #72,207 one day, #100 (we can only hope, right?…) the next!  As of this writing, The Art Of Overeating is #52,310 in books overall, and #25 in “Books > Entertainment > Humor > Cooking.”  It frightens me to think what readers might actually be “cooking” from my book, but anything goes, so bon appetit!

What’s really fun is to read the comments and reviews that readers post on Amazon.  It’s great to see that people “get” the sense of fun that I intended.  I’ll share a few here, and you can see the book’s listing on Amazon via this link:

Til next time,

Leslie Landis

Lots of laugh out loud moments to be had

By Cheryl K (CO)

The Art of Over Eating is a laugh out loud book to be enjoyed. The advice in this book is not meant to be taken serious. Leslie Landis, MFT pokes fun at America and our obsession with food and dieting. She makes comments like if you are planning on taking a doggie bag then you better either eat it as a snack on the way home or as soon as you get home. Or when you are invited as a dinner guest, you should offer to wash the dishes by licking them off. This is so that you can still enjoy the last bits of the delicious meal. If you get caught, Leslie has you covered. Just tell the person that you believe in saving water. This way people will think you are environmentally conscience.

This book has more funny tips like this. As well as lots of colorful pictures that will have you wanting to show other people. Don’t think that this book isn’t just about what not to do. This book is also informative. There are some interesting food facts that I didn’t know about. The Art of Over Eating is packed full of lots of laugh out loud moments to be had. Don’t take my word for it. Pick up a copy of this book today and start laughing.

More fun than a deep fried Twinkie with chocolate sauce!
By PT Cruiser “PT Cruiser” (CA USA)

This book takes about the same amount of time to read as eating a big box of gingerbread cookies dipped in a tub of Cool Whip and it’s twice as much fun! Leslie Landis uses a bit of reverse psychology to illustrate what NOT to do if you want to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a quick way to put on a bunch of pounds, there is plenty of helpful advice here! This book had me rolling my eyes and laughing out loud while reading it. The illustrations and photos which are on just about every page are funny and entertaining. There’s a little bit of food porn here, but most of the food photos seem to go for quantity, not quality, and I wasn’t too tempted even though I’ve been cutting back on calories while reading it, trying to lose a couple pounds.

With so many other diet books out there telling me what I need to do to lose weight, many with complicated formulas for cutting calories, carbs, fats or whatever, this book is a down to earth, commonsense look at what made you gain the weight to begin with. It would be a good gift book for anyone starting a diet or slugging it out on a long term one. It’s also a good gift type book for anyone who just likes to laugh and appreciates a tongue in cheek look at this whole business of dieting.

By MotherLodeBeth “MotherLodeBeth” (Sierras of California)

Walk into any bookstore and you will see an entire section devoted to health fitness and diet books. This book is hilarious because it makes fun of this multi billion dollar industry. Look around and see how close to sixty percent of Americans are over weight yet we spend more money on ads, magazines, books and television shows geared to people losing weight. Having read Why French Women Don’t Get Fat, this book in a Monty Python sort of way, says the same thing that book says.  But in a very funny way.

A few years ago our local PBS station did a special with Mel Brooks who in the 1950’s was part of the TV show Your Show Of Shows, and he was sharing how when TV sets first came it was the best educated who could afford them, and as such, they knew how to think and didn’t need a skit spelled out in full. Then as TV sets became more affordable, the writers discovered that they had to explain the joke of the skit to the watcher more.

If you don’t need the joke being spelled out, you will understand this book.

The Art Of Overeating was the HOT BOOK PICK OF THE WEEK in Star! Can you believe it? Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie, and me. Can the papparazzi be far behind? Team AOE all the way!

November 13th, 2009


THE ART OF OVEREATING wishes to share this 5-cherry-on-top review! Now we’re off to celebrate with extra whipped cream…

November 11th, 2009

Book Review: The Art of Overeating by Leslie Landis

Author: SaharPublished: Nov 11, 2009 at 1:04 am

Food. Love it or hate it, you need it. Unfortunately, too many people have an unhealthy relationship with food, which should be a pleasure from beginning to… Well, to end.

If you don’t mind, I won’t speak too much about the end part, OK?

Unfortunately, the relationship with food has become yet another victim of invidualism and consumerism; the former because rather than eat what’s best for our health, we eat what’s best for our taste buds, and the latter because we are encouraged to eat more, more and then some more.

Supersize, anyone?

There are so many dieting programs out there that I am not even going to attempt listing them here. But many of them have one thing in common: they are serious business, often worth of a Master’s Degree (or even a PhD), time consuming and boring. And don’t get me started on how patronizing, paternalistic and guilt provoking these diets are. Just reading about them makes me want to eat the anguish away.

(Where is my chocolate bar? I know I stashed one around here not too long ago…)

Leslie Landis certainly knows a lot about the often dreary, tedious task of going on a diet. She has been practicing clinical psychology for a little over ten years now, amongst others helping people who have eating disorders. And I have the impression that many of the excuses her patients make are included in this book. My personal favourite is when she encourages us to overeat in the name of the environment.

“Don’t let anyone tell you that overeating is selfish. It actually is just the opposite. Consider that it is estimated that Americans dispose of thirty million tons of food waste every year. That amounts to over one pound of discarded food per day per person. How selfish is that? So save the environment. Eat everything you order. Eat other people’s leftovers. Let no doggie bag go wasted. Eat everything in your refrigerator. EAT, EAT, EAT. Remember, it’s a cause bigger than you, so be as big as you can be about it”.

By the way, I tried reading this paragraph over the phone to my Mom and I was giggling so hard I couldn’t manage to get through the entire thing once.

The Art of Overeating is, quite simply, a hilarious look at our quirks when it comes to eating. All those times when you were supposedly listening to your friends vent about her horrid day at work during which you were actually eying the cheesecake displayed prominently under a polished glass bell (which make everything seem even more delicious than it already is) and internally alternately fighting with yourself, calculating the number of calories you already had during the day and if you could afford it a slice or calculating if you can fit a workout in your busy schedule to be able to indulge in that slice – all those arguments you gave yourself are going to be in this book, in one form or another.

For the overly anxious amongst you, don’t worry – no one can take this book seriously for the simple reason that the ridiculous text (much of which sounds like the precedent paragraph) is matched with equally ridiculous pictures and drawings. There is no way someone can take the advice in this book seriously.

Perhaps this is the most brilliant way of encouraging those of us who have eating problems, big or small, to be honest with ourselves and finally take control. For having someone tell us: “Two breads are better than one” or “You want to be true to your family and body type. If your kin are big people and big eaters, then that is your destiny and it is your duty to fulfill it” makes it so hilariously and obviously ridiculous that the major barrier of denial, a big obstacle to solving any problem, is slowly chipped away throughout the book, leaving us ready to clean some mess up.

Humour is a great medicine, and perhaps if we apply it to a sometimes bitter (pun intended) subject, we will be able to finally deal with it, and perhaps eat that slice of cheesecake and focus on our poor friend.

It’s Publication Day!

November 3rd, 2009

Today, November 3, 2009, is a day for a little extra butter and another cherry on top of everything – it’s the day that The Art Of Overeating is published by Sterling Books.  Getting to this point has been a long, fun journey filled with laughs and camaraderie, and I’m very excited!


I have been very busy getting prepared.  It’s been great fun doing interviews with the L.A. Times, the Malibu Times and other publications, and doing a radio interview with Dov Schreiber for his “Crop To Cuisine” radio program (I’ll be posting a link to listen online soon).


The same day that I spoke with Dov, I had “media training” with two delightful women from Planned Television Arts, Sandy Trupp and Hillary Buckholtz.  You might wonder, “What is media training?”  Well, it’s where you learn how to conduct yourself and answer questions during an interview or encounter with the media. 


Practically every politician, sports, and entertainment personality has media training, and now, me too!  Sandy and Hillary said I did a good job…now all I need are the interviews!


In the meantime, I’ll be putting my training to good use at my first two book signings for The Art Of Overeating, beginning on November 4 with a 7PM event at the Barnes & Noble at the Grove in Los Angeles.  There’ll be cupcakes on hand, prizes to win, and you’re all invited!


Look for the details below, and I’d love to see you there.


Leslie Landis


Publication week book events for The Art Of Overeating:



The Grove at Farmer’s Market, Los Angeles


189 Grove Drive Suite K 30
Los Angeles, CA 90036



Malibu Campus


24255 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA 90263
(310) 506-7273